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I get asked this question all the time so today im going to answer it yes size matters specially when you have have a small cock of course it matters as a small cock is useless isnt it and im here to laugh at yours so I hope your ready for some hard
Welcome to Miss Jones’s Sexual Clinic. I know you’ve been here before with ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ and issues with ‘Pleasing Women’. You have one question for me today
Welcome to Miss Jones’s Sexual Clinic. I know you’ve been here before with ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ and issues with ‘Pleasing Women’. You have one question for me today
duration 00:08:57 Hey there, shrimp dick. Oh, pfft. If you are something you should own it!! Come on, you don’t really buy that bs do you?? Size doesn’t matter?? That was totally made up by some other shrimp dick, lololol. Lucky for you I’m honest.
I am here to clear things up for you once and for all. The age-old question, “does size really matter?”. Yes! Yes it does! As a matter of fact, let Me show you some examples of REAL cock. Cocks that any woman would love to fuck. Yours looks NOTHING
This loser thinks he can take me on cause he saw me online and thought, “her ass is huge, but I don’t think she could actually do some damage”. Well, today he will find out that he is sadly mistaken. He is about to undergo some serious damage! I’m
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