Job Site Supervisor Sneezes and Coughs
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With no sick time left, I've got to show up to the job site to get the project done. I keep sneezing and coughing while trying to supervise my team. We'll never get it done if I keep having to stop to sneeze and cough and repeat myself! I've got to
Showing Up to Work Coughing and Sneezing
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I'm unable to get any rest due to a severe cold. It's such a rainy day, I dread having to leave the house to go to work. I'll stop for cold medicine on the way in. Once at the office, I try to keep it together - there is no much work to be done! I
April 2024 Sneeze Compilation
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April was a pretty sneezy month for me. I woke up nearly everyday with congestion and a runny nose. I sneezed a lot more than this video shows, but I had guests in my house for a week, preventing me from being the weirdo who records herself sneezing
A Sick Day in the Life of Nadia, More Like Snottia
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Thank you for visiting me when I'm sick, but I hate for you to see me like this. I'm so sneezy and snotty. All the tissues in the world can't contain my congestion. I appreciate you taking care of me. This is based on the video "Snot Factory
Strip-Sneeze Game Gets Me Naked
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Let's play a fun little game. Each time I sneeze more than three times from an allergen and particulate matter, I will strip off a piece of clothing. Let's start with my shoes. I'm so sneezy, you get me naked quite quickly! One thing leads to
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